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1-2 | 3-4 | 5-999 |
$65.87 | $62.58 | $59.28 |
$60.72 | $57.68 | $56.17 | $54.65 |
$64.75 | $61.51 | $58.28 |
$93.56 | $88.88 | $84.20 |
$46.05 | $43.75 | $41.45 |
$58.04 | $55.14 | $52.24 |
$73.16 | $69.50 | $65.84 |
$55.50 | $52.73 | $49.95 |
$53.65 | $50.97 | $48.29 |
$55.41 | $52.64 | $49.87 |
$67.71 | $64.32 | $60.94 |
$94.28 | $89.57 | $84.85 |
$84.19 | $79.98 | $75.77 |
$98.44 | $93.52 | $88.60 |
$124.54 | $118.31 | $112.09 |
$60.32 | $57.30 | $54.29 |
$70.68 | $67.15 | $63.61 |
$97.01 | $92.16 | $87.31 |
$114.49 | $108.77 | $103.04 |
$73.48 | $69.81 | $66.13 |
$88.38 | $83.96 | $79.54 |
$169.37 | $160.90 | $152.43 |
$70.32 | $66.80 | $63.29 |
$87.71 | $83.32 | $78.94 |
$125.14 | $118.88 | $112.63 |
$96.98 | $92.13 | $87.28 |
$174.45 | $165.73 | $157.01 |
$121.78 | $115.69 | $109.60 |
$107.26 | $101.90 | $96.53 |
$191.54 | $181.96 | $172.39 |
$228.16 | $216.75 | $205.34 |
$252.14 | $239.53 | $226.93 |
$136.54 | $129.71 | $122.89 |
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